This is in relation to the diverting of a plane flying from london to washington d.c which was divered to boston for emergency landing. For those who do not know the story, you can
find the same here. I might be out on a limb here but what are the chances of an 60 year old women fusing about some cream - she was not allowed to take on the flight- a security risk? I mean, please I would take all the chances in the world in that sitution. I understand that the threat level is high and chances of a western target being attacked are quite high, but do 6o year old women who most lively lived here whole life in western countries want to detonate something? I would be suprised if she succeeded in hitting somebody with her walking stick.
Regardless of what the people think, terrorists are not crazy by birth. Rational thought and process is behind every action. It is, however, the assumptions that are to be blamed. In the movie "K-PAX", one of the scences shows a "crazy" man trys to hide under benches and avoiding sunlight. It is revealed that he believes sun rays will kill him, so he avoids them. His hiding behind benches is only the reaction.His thinking is not irrational, his assumptions are what is the problem to be resolved.
Similar is the case against the terrorists. They are not irrational human beings, they have come to believe in assumptions which you and i dont believe to be true. Any problem in this world can be solved if both sides can try to understand the assumptions and the reasons behind the assumptions that make up the conflict. Destroying cities, towers and subways will not change the assumptions. Open minded constructive critical thinking will.